1. what is human resources about?
It is in the habit of being abridged as HR. It centres on achieving that the workers recover his obligations in the same tuning in that the company, making coincide the aims and aspirations of the professionals with the strategy of the company.
The aim of any department of Human Resources happens for constituting a plantilla of employees the sufficiently efficient thing, with a good labor climate, and where every worker can exploit to the maximum his qualities. And it is that there is looked that the employees recover his employment with satisfaction and strain for fulfilling the goals that the entity marks.
Therefore, a definition of Human Resources is the management and administration of the human capital of an organization in order to increase the productivity.
Profile of a human resources
Studies and experience of the executive of Human Resources
The ideal thing is that it possesses the master in Administration of Companies or Administration of Human Resources, though also the masters are viable in Law or enclosedly Psychology. As for the professional experience, it is important that it has been in positions of direction at least 3 years.
Personality characteristics
Focused on results
Compromised with the company and the employees
Due to the fact that the executive of Human Resources will work with persons it must be capable to carry the different types of personality, to understand every person as an individual being who has different goals and diverse characteristics.
Functions of the Executive of Human Resources
To identify and to manage the insoles of personnel The manager of Human Resources must be capable of identifying the needs that the company has at the time that it defines the remunerative presentations. Once identified the needs of the company, it must realize the search and selection of the necessary personnel.
To administer the existing personnel The executive of Human Resources must be capable of giving solutions to the problems that they present between the personnel and the company or between the personnel. This can be given across the search and incorporation of the personnel, the maintenance and training of the same one and finally the term of the labor relation.
organization chart
2. HR Brochure
3. Business communication
Letter of hiring